State Wise 10th Class Result 2016

10TH RESULT 2016-

AP board result  AP-Board-10-Date-Sheet-Download
Assam board result  341242-assam
Bihar board result  337900-bihar-board-ciop
CBSE Delhi  cbseLogo
CG board result  CG-Board-10-Time-Table-Download
Goa board result  22-goaboardofsecondaryeducation
Gujarat board result  GSEB-Exam-Results
Haryana board result  405774-hbse
HP board result  hp-board-12th-result
ICSE board result  337248-cisce-logo
JKBOSE result  413134-jkbose-education-board
JAC board result  JAC 10th Time Table 2016
Karnataka board result  karnataka-board-puc-hall-ticket
Kerala board result  359853-kerala700
MP board result  This_is_a_logo_owned_by_Government_Of_Madhya_Pradesh_for_Madhya_Pradesh_Board_of_Secondary_Education
Maharashtra board result  Maharashtra board ssc time table
Odisha board result  Bse.odisha.logo
Punjab Board result  punjab-board-12th-result
Rajasthan Board result  BSER-Logo
TN board result  333859-tamil-nadu-exam
Telangana board result  180px-TSBIE_Logo
UK board result  uttarakhand-board-10th-class-result
UP board result  up-board
WB board result  337913-west-bengal-board


10TH RESULT 2016-

Education is the main process so that student get their ambition, education is the process of learning  or getting new things. India is the country where education is mandatory part for everyone. Indian government wants each and every child get educated. Education commonly is divided formally into such stages as preschool or kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and then college, university, or apprenticeship.

Secondary school, High school or 10th class is the basic class for each and every student. which is also known as the 10th board in India. every student should do hard work for their study to get best marks in the 10th class exam. they should go regular their school or tuition classes and do regular study for getting good marks.


All the boards conduct 10th class examination to check the knowledge of the students. Board promotes them  into higher level to achieve the heights in future, if they will able to clear the exam. To achieve the  maximum marks, students try their best by doing lots of hard work to accomplish their mission. But after their examinations get completed, they become so much enthusiastic for their results to reveal.

After doing hard study every student eagerly wait for their exam results. they search for the internet  for their result, performance sheet, mark sheets or marks details for their SSC result 2016, 10th board result 2016. if you are looking for their class 10th result 2016 then here we will update SSC result 2016, 10th class result 2016 just you have to update with our website for your 10th class result 2016.

10th Board Result 2016-

Here are the declaration time of 10th Class Results 2016 according to the different Boards in India :

Board 12th result 2016                                                     Release Dates

CBSE 10th Class Result                                                  End of May 2016
NIOS 10th Class Result                                                   First week of June 2016
ICSE Board 10th Result                                                   Mid of May 2016
APOSS SSC Results                                                       2nd week of June 2016
RSOS 10th Results                                                         3rd week of June 2016
AP SSC 10th Class Results                                            3rd week of May 2016
Assam Board 10th class results                                      1st week of June 2016
Bihar Board 10th class results                                         3rd week of June 2016
Chhattisgarh Board 10th Result                                       End of April 2016
Goa Board 10th class results                                           End of May 2016
Gujarat Board SSC Result                                               first week of June 2016
Haryana Board 10th class results 
HOS 10th Result                                                             3rd week of June 2016
HP Board 10th Class Results                                         3rd week of May 2016
JKBOSE 10th Class Results                                           3rd week of May 2016
Jharkhand Board 10th Results                                       End of April 2016
Karnataka Board 10th Class Results                              2nd week of May 2016
Kerala Board SSLC Results                                           3rd week of April 2016
Madhya Pradesh Board 10th class results                     3rd week of May 2016
Maharashtra Board 10th class results                            2nd week of June 2016
Manipur HSLC Results                                                   3rd week of May 2016
Meghalaya SSLC Results                                              last week of May 2016
MBSE HSLC Results                                                     end of April 2016
NBSE HSLC Results                                                      end of April 2016
Orissa Board 10th class results                                     1st week of May 2016
Punjab Board 10th Class Results                                  end of May 2016
Rajashthan Board 10th class result                               2nd Week of June 2016
TN Board SSLC results                                                  3rd week of May 2016
Tripura Madhyamik Results                                           1st Week of June 2016
UP Board 10th Result                                                    3rd week of May 2016
Uttarakhand Board 10th Class Results                          end of May 2016
West Bengal Board 10th class results                           4th week of May 2016
Telangana SSC Results                                                 3rd week of April 2016

here we have collected complete 10th class examination result 2016, 10th board result 2016, according to the boards in India.  we have also mentioned the links of result with the official website as well as the complete 10th exam result 2016
update and notifications. wish you all the best for your 10th Class result 2016. wish you bright future ahead.