Some Notable Fact About Various Planets And Satellites – General Knowledge & Current Affairs Question

Our Earth’s Planetary Group comprises of The Sun, eight Planets, Moons, numerous smaller planets (or plutoids), a space rock cinch, comets, meteors, and others. The Sun is the inside of our Earth’s Planetary Group, the Planets, their Satellites, a cinch of space rocks, comets, and different shakes and gas orbit the sun. With the omission of Pluto from the Earth’s Planetary Group, its membership has been restricted to the eight “Classical” planets, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Naptune.

The Fact about Eight Solar Systems and Satellites are given below:


General Knowledge Question For Bank Exam

The Solar System-

The Solar System structured 4.6 billion years prior from the gravitational breakdown of a titan atomic cloud. The lion’s share of the framework’s mass is in the Sun, with the majority of the staying mass contained in Jupiter. The four more diminutive inward planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, additionally called the physical planets, are essentially made out of rock and metal. The four external planets, called the gas goliaths, are considerably more enormous than the terrestrials. The two biggest, Jupiter and Saturn, are made mostly out of hydrogen and helium; the two furthest planets, Uranus and Neptune, are made to a great extent out of substances with moderately high liquefying focuses (contrasted and hydrogen and helium), called frosts, for example, water, smelling salts and methane, and are frequently alluded to independently as “ice monsters”. All planets have practically round orbits that exist in an about level plate called the ecliptic plane.


* Mercury is the closest Planet to the Sun.

* It is Extremely Hot Planet.

* The Plannet Has No water in it.

* Mercury planet has no gasses like CO2,N2, H2, and O2 which can go about as building pieces of life.

* Mercury Planet has no defensive cover like Ozone around it to keep us from hurtful radiations.


* Venus is the second planet in separation from the Sun. This planet is closest to the Earth and is additionally the brightest planet.

* Venus is known as the “Nighttime Star” and “Morning Star“.

* Venus is encompassed by a thick shadiness, henceforth known as the “Hidden Planet“(unclear)

* Venus is similar to the Earth in size and mass, and consequently otherwise called the “World’s twin“. it additionally pivots clockwise like Uranus.

* Venus is the most smoking plannet (considerably more sizzling than mercury) of our sun oriented System,due to cover of cloud.

* Venus has no water in it. there is no sufficient oxygen on the Venus.

The Earth-

* Earth is the biggest of the inward planets.

* The Earth is 23.5°tilted on its pivot and subsequently makes 66.5° plot.

* It takes 23 hour %6 minutes and 4.091 second to turn on its pivot.

* Earth is known as “watery planet” on the “Blue planet” because of the vicinity of immense measure of water on it.

* Earth is the main known planet which gives sustenance or life on it, it has an expansive amount of oxygen which upholds life.

* The Earth has all the key components like carbon (Co2 structure), Hydrogen(h2), Nitrogen(n2) and Oxygen(o2) which go about as building pieces for the root of life.

* The Earth is not excessively hot or excessively chilly, It has ‘Goldlock Zone‘.

*Goldlock Zone’ is the livable zone of earth’s planetary group where all conditions are accessible for life to maintain.

* The earth has a ton of water as lakes, waterways and seas for the development and survival of life.

* The Earth has enough oxygen gas in its air for the survival of living creatures through relaxing.

* The Earth has a defensive cover of ozone layer high up in its air to spare life from the unsafe ultraviolet radiations originating from the sun.

[googlemap address=”earth” width=”700″ height=”300″ position=”left”]

The Moon-

* The Moon is the main satellite of the earth.

* It has a measurement of 3475 km. what’s more its periphery is 10864 km. while its circle is curved.

* The Maximum Distance of the moon from the earth is 4,06,000 km. what’s more the base separation is 3,64,000 km.

* It Takes 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes to pivot on its hub (this time of around 27.5 days is known as the sideral month) and give or take the same time of time it takes to spin around the Earth. The moon’s time of upset with reference to the sun is around 29.53 days (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.8 seconds). the period is known as a synodic month.

* Only 59 percent of the aggregate serface of the moon is noticeable from the Earth.

* The brilliant piece of the moon is brimming with mountains though the dim patches are low laying fields.

*Ocean of Tranquility‘ , made of the plane of dust particles, is on the back side of the moon, which dependably stays dull.

* The most elevated mountain on the moon is liebuity mountain, wher is 10,660 meter high.

* The moon has no air, no sunlight and no sound.

* the temperature amid daytime is around 100°c and amid night it drops down -180°c.

* The light from the moon takes 1.3 seconds to achieve the earth.

* The measure of the Moon is one sixth that of the Earth.

* Mainly silicon, iron, magnesium and so forth components are found on the Moon’s surface.

* The investigation of the Moon is called “Selenology“.

* Moon is otherwise called the fossil planet.


* Iron-rich red soil and pink sky of Mars provide for it the name, “Red Planet“.

* Phobes and Demos are two satellites of Mars.


* Jupiter is the biggest plannet of the Solar System.

* Jupitor is otherwise called Winter Planet as it normal temperature is low (-148°c).

* Gannymeda, satellite of Jupiter is the biggest Satellite in the Solar framework.


*Saturn is the second biggest planet in the Earth’s Planetary Group.

* Saturn has splendid concentric rings which are made up of ice and ice-secured dust particles which spin around it.

* Titan is the biggest satellite of Saturn.


* Uranus is around four times size of the earth. this Planet seems greenish in shade due to methane gas display in its environment.

* Uranus was found in 1781 by sir william Hersiel.

* Uranus is the first planet to have been found by the utilization of a telescope. Uranus is the third greatest planet of the earth’s planetary group.

* Uranus is amazingly chilly, having surface temperature -190°c and is encompassed by 13 rings to be specific zeta, alpha, estimated time of arrival, gamma, delta, lambda, epsilon, nu, mu.

* Uranus pivots from east to west on its hub, which is inverse to different planets excepts Venus.

* The axies of Uranus has been vast slant with the goal that it seems, by all accounts, to be resting, subsequently it bears the name “A planet on its side“.


* Naptune is the eighth planet of the Earth’s Planetary Group.

* The temperature on the serface of Naptune stays low.

* Naptune is fundamentally the same to Uranus and could be considered as its twin.

* Naptune is encompassed by methane rings of below zero Temperature.

Pluto is not a Planet Now-

* On the premise of the new defination of plannet given by the IAU (International cosmic Union), the world’s top establishment on space science examination, heading astronomous taking part in IAU’s meet at Prague (Czech republic) on Augest 24, 2006, proclaimed that pluto would no more remain a planet.

* Under the Iau’s new rules, the quantity of planet in the Solar System has hence been lessened from nine to eight. its benefits specifying here that, prier to this choice pluto had been holding the planetary status since its revelation in 1930 by clyde tom

* Presently, with the oversight of Pluto from the Solar framework, its enrollment has been confined to the eight “Established” planets, to be specific Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Naptune.


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